Meetings are **NORMALLY** held on the
Second Wednesday of each month at 7pm.
** For Aug we are pushing back one week due to summercamp.
Our next meeting will be on
Wednesday, 10 Jan 2024.
gnews at 7pm CST / presenation at 8pm CST
We will be meeting at:
Family Karaoke
11433 Goodnight Ln, Dallas, TX 75229
Meeting starts at 7pm.
isac (and others) typically shows up around 6:30 for some food.
Check the
meetings page for more details.
If you want to present at a meeting, please email isac, 00iissaacc00(at)gmail(dot)com.
We are always looking for interesting talks.
Spawned from the annual
DefCon security
conference, DC214 is a gathering point for folks interested in the alternate
applications of modern technology. DC214 is not intended to compete with
any other computer group, but rather to provide yet another gathering place.
Our meetings will be open to anyone and everyone regardless of their skill, age, job, gender,
etc. This is a forum to discuss technology with like minded folks. DC214 is
designed to help you learn new things, and if you think you are up for it
maybe you can teach us a thing or two. However, note that this isn't a
'hacker' meeting. Some folks avoid these types of meetings because of the
word 'hacker', they either don't want to be labled or are afraid to open
themselves up to 'hackers'. So the easy solution here is to not use that word.
If you are interested in helping with this meeting, email me.
Mailing List
We are now on MailMan on Feel free to sing up at
It is a low volume mailing list, where we discuss dc214 and the occasional security topic. Join to get reminders
about meeting dates and times, to be involved in dc214 decision making, and to just be part of the crowd.
Social Media
- Facebook - DefCon Group in Dallas.
- Twitter - DefCon Group DFW @dc214dfw
- Google+ - DEFCON Group of hackers in Dallas and DFW
DC-Groups General FAQ v1.0
Q: What are DC-Groups?
A: Spawned from the annual Defcon security conference, Defcon Groups (DCGs or DC-Groups) are a gathering point for folks interested in the alternate applications of modern technology. DCGs are not intended to compete with any other computer group like 2600, but rather to provide yet another gathering place. Our meetings will be open to anyone and everyone regardless of their skill, age, job, gender, etc. This is a forum to discuss technology with like minded folks. DCGs are designed to help you learn new things, and if you think you are up for it maybe you can teach us a thing or two.
Q:How many DCGs are there?
A:Currently there are over 20 different DCGs, covering more then 15 states.
Q: Who runs them?
A: DCGs are run by different members in each city/state/country.
The organizers range from Information Security Professionals, and Networking Specialist to Web Designers and Students, there's even a Law Enforcement Professional who runs one of the meetings.
DC214 is Organized by MadHat (at)
Q: When/Where do they meet?
A: Each DCG meets at different times and different places depending on their location. For more information as to when and where they meet. You should check out
Q: What are the people who attend these meetings like?
A: Just like the organizers of the event, the attendee's vary as well. They come from every walk of life and profession crossing cultural, racial, ethnic, sexual, gender, age, boundaries that usually separate other organizations. This is done because they all share a common interest that brings them all together.
Q: Is this a hacker meeting?
A: No, this is something better. Anything with the 'hacker' label on it tends attract only one kind of person. This meeting is designed to attract not only hackers but members of the InfoSec community and people who want to learn more about InfoSec but do not consider themselves hackers. The purpose here is to interact with people who may have different backgrounds but share the same passion for technology. Many security people feel that hackers are nothing but trouble and many hackers feel that security people are clueless, let's use this meeting to change those perceptions.

Q: Are skript kids, lamers, and n00bs welcome?
A: Yes, but with caveats. Some meetings and groups try to exclude those they consider to be lame, unskilled, or just simply new. Most folks do so because they want to forget that at one point, they themselves were new/unskilled too. The DC-Groups are more than happy to have these folks, provided they are there to learn a few things and have a desire to increase their skill. If you are content being a script kid, a lamer, or a n00b, feel free to attend but try not to be disruptive of those there to learn new things. As the quote says 'Ignorance is forgivable, because it's curable; stupidity is not... The difference between ignorance and stupidity is in the desire to remain ignorant'. Being a hacker is about wanting to evolve quicker than the masses, so take advantage of any opportunity to do so.

Q: Is there a mailing list/website?
A: This varies between each individual group. Many have websites and mailing lists already setup. For more information on this subject, check and find the DC-Group in your area.
Q: Does Illegal Activity happen at these meetings?
A: DC-Groups do not condone illegal activity.
Q: I'm with law enforcement or the media, can I come?
A: Sure, just be open with people about who you are and what you do. This helps us to get on an even ground and avoid any misunderstandings. In fact, if you could drop an email to the local DC-Group point of contact ahead of time we would appreciate it.
Special Thanks to Noid and Russr