•24-bit images are preferable to 8-bit images because each pixel has
more bits within which to hide a message.
•In a 24-bit image, each pixel is represented by 3 bytes, one byte each
for Red, Green, and Blue, which allows the color values to be stored directly
in the image and does not require the use of a color-table.
•Slightly manipulating color values stored this way will result in a
color who’s value is extremely close to the original.
•A 24-bit 1024x768 image provides over 2 million pixels within which to
hide a message, each pixel being three bytes each.
•Obviously, a file with the characteristics that we’re talking about
will be a fairly large image and is still rather uncommon on the Internet.
•Images this large may stand out or attract attention unless
•Compression may also be required to make an image this large feasible
to transfer on low-speed connections or networks.